Student and mentor examine petri dishes in the lab

Collaboration with industry partners and the development of long-term relationships provides benefits for both the university and the industry partner.  These successful partnerships can lead to innovative solutions by translating research into industrial applications while enhancing the education and training of students.

We are dedicated to assisting industry partners achieve their goals while enhancing student experiences and supporting research efforts.  Whether you are interested in sponsored research projects, specialized testing, or hiring students, please feel free to contact.

Industry partners are always welcome to attend our regularly scheduled, on campus seminars, free of charge:
CBC/RBC/Biochem Seminars and Chemistry Colloquial Series

Local Industry Links

Student Engagement

There are a number of ways for industry to engage with both undergraduate and graduate students.  Here's some examples:

UNL CAS Career Coaching

107 Oldfather Hall, 402.472.4190

Erin Sayer
Undergraduate Intern Advisor and Associate Professor

Ms. Julie Bray-Obermeyer
Director Career Development & Corporate Relations, College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources