Research Interests
proline metabolism, redox enzymology, redox regulation of proteins and gene expression, substrate channeling in enzymes
Research Overview
The amino acid proline has multifaceted roles including carbon and nitrogen flux, protein synthesis, osmolyte balance, and stress protection. There is growing evidence that proline metabolism can influence cell survival outcomes in microorganisms, plants, and animals. Proline effects diverse signaling pathways by the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to proline oxidation being coupled to the respiratory electron transport chain and contributing to cellular bioenergetics. Overall proline has become a very important metabolite that is thought to be involved in many cellular processes that impact human health and disease.
The overall goal of our research is to understand the mechanisms of proline metabolic enzymes and how proline metabolism impacts stress response and the intracellular redox environment. All organisms convert proline to glutamate in two enzymatic steps. In the first step, proline is oxidized to ∆1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C) by the flavin-dependent enzyme PRODH. P5C is then hydrolyzed nonenzymatically to glutamic semialdehyde (GSA), which is oxidized to glutamate by the NAD dependent enzyme, P5C dehydrogenase (P5CDH). In Gram-negative bacteria, the PRODH and P5CDH domains are fused onto the same polypeptide called the proline utilization A (PutA) protein. Proline biosynthesis from glutamate involves three enzymatic steps. The initial two steps are catalyzed by g-glutamyl kinase (GK) and g-glutamyl phosphate reductase (GPR). GK generates g-glutamyl phosphate, which is then reduced by GPR to produce GSA. In bacteria and lower eukaryotes such as yeast, GK and GPR are discrete monofunctional enzymes. In animals and plants, the GK and GPR domains are fused together into the bifunctional enzyme P5C synthase (P5CS). After GSA cyclizes to P5C, P5C is reduced to proline by P5C reductase (P5CR).
Our Lab
PubMed Articles
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News and Alumni
Recent News
- Shelbi Christgen defended her PhD dissertation (July 21, 2017)
- Joshua Floth Awarded MMoD Fellowship (June 2017)
- Navasonsa Krishnan accepted new position at AbbVie Pharmaceuticals
- Mike Moxely is a new Assistant Professor at U Nebraska-Kearney
- Shelbi Christgen (PhD, 2017) Postdoctoral Associate, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (schristgen@huskers.unl.edu)
- Joshua Floth (BS, 2016) Gradaute Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (flothjl@gmail.com)
- Julia Zhang (PhD, 2015) Postdoctoral Associate, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (juliazhang87@gmail.com)
- Ben Arentson (PhD, 2013) Quality Manager Poet Biorefining (ben.arentson@gmail.com)
- Nikhilesh Sanyal (PhD, 2013) Scientific Associate at InVentiv Health (nikhilesh1@gmail.com)
- Michael Moxley (PhD, 2012) Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Kearney (mmox23@gmail.com)
- Sathish Natarajan (Postdoctoral Associate, 2009-2012) Assistant Professor, Department of Nutrition and Health Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Ashley Haile (MS, 2008) Nurse, University of Maryland Medical Center (ahaile1@umaryland.edu)
- Navasona Krishnan (PhD, 2008) Senior Scientist at AbbVie Biopharmaceutical Company (krishnn@cshl.edu)
- Yuzhen Zhou (PhD, 2008) Professor, Huaiyin Normal University (zyz@hytc.edu.cn)
- Weimin Zhang (Postdoctoral Associate, 2004-2007) Manager, Analytical R&D, Impax Laboratories
- Qi Cheng (Postdoctoral Associate, 2004-2006)
- Srimevan Wanduragala (Postdoctoral Associate, 2003-2006) Senior Scientist-Analytical Development, Therapure Biopharma
- Vinod Nair (Postdoctoral Associate, 2001-2004) Senior Electrochemist & Supercapacitor Expert, Calgon Carbon Corporation (madhavanorama@gmail.com)
- Weidong Zhu (PhD, 2005) CHI-Lakeside Hospital (wdzhuwd@hotmail.com)
- Berevan Baban (MS, 2003) Senior Research Tech, Washington University-St. Louis (bbaban@biochem.wustl.edu)
- Padmanetra Bellur (MS, 2003) Biotechnology Professional
Past News
- Joshua Floth selected to the ASBMB Honor Society for Undergraduate Researchers (April, 2016)
- Shelbi Christgen awarded Milton E. Mohr Biotechnology Fellowship (May, 2015)
- Joshua Floth awarded Dr. Benjamin M. Sahagian Scholarship (May, 2015)
- Shelbi Christgen awarded a MMoD Fellowship from the NIH T32 Program at UNL (2014-present)
2024 MMOD Symposium

Sagar Patel, Gunjan Purohit, Oseeyi Daudu, Tyrell Rossman, Dr. Becker, Norhan Fawaz